fire extinguisher / safety training

Fire safety training

fire safety-Training from experts

That’s all you have!
Did you know that 90% of all reported fires are extinguished with a fire extinguisher? You put your money into the equipment why not the training?

fire safety training for You and Your People –

It’s the Law
Besides being a prudent measure to protect your people and company records, data, and equipment, fire safety training is also mandated by law if you have fire extinguishers on your premises. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Code of Federal Regulations, you are mandated to provide fire equipment training.

  • OSHA 29 CFR 1910.157(g)
    “Where the employer has provided portable fire extinguishers for employee use in the workplace, the employer shall also provide an educational program to familiarize employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting.”

Failure to do so exposes your business to OSHA penalties and possibly provides grounds for lawsuits against you. Many insurance policies encourage (through discounts) or mandate fire equipment training programs. Check with your insurance carrier for details. Being prepared is the answer. What you do in the first minute of a fire’s outbreak can mean the difference between a small incident and a major catastrophe. The expression “seconds count” is never more true than in a fire emergency. Studies have shown that when an individual is properly trained on the use of fire extinguishers, they are 2 1/2 times more effective when extinguishing a fire.

Do you say you and your staff will evacuate, instead of fight a fire? Well consider the following: You or your staff may need to:

  • Fight your way through a fire to an exit.
  • Fight your way through a fire to an injured employee.
  • Defend in place, until help arrives.
  • Extinguish the burning clothes of a fellow employee.
  • Our training programs cover all of these situations

D&M Fire and Safety Equipment offers two distinctly different types of training programs to prepare your staff for fire and one specialized training program for fire safety training professionals:

  • Option 1: Indoor session with 1 hr instructional class, which includes lecture, video, and handouts.
  • Option 2: Our Most Popular. This is our core training course designed to teach your employees about fire safety and give them experience fighting fires. The course offers both an indoor classroom session and an outdoor hands-on experience fighting a contained 20-square-foot fire. Participants are trained in the proper techniques on how to operate a hand-portable fire extinguisher on a large propane power burn pan. One instructor and two helpers teach the course to ensure close personal attention and safety to participants.

Please check out this training link – http://www.fireextinguisher.com

CPR, AED, First Aid, and Babysitting Courses
Northeast Emergency Training Solutions provides quality situational emergency training to civilians, businesses, government organizations, and emergency services personnel throughout New England and New York.

We offer fire safety training for CPR, AED, and First Aid. What makes us unique is that we will travel to your business or emergency service and provide on-site training, as well as manage the corresponding training records. Students are taught with the most recent guidelines and standards to ensure proper training and safe results.

Our instructors can provide significant practical experience. Each brings with them a unique and extensive emergency services and instructional background to ensure an exciting, informative, and interactive learning environment. Click here for netsvt.com information.

Want to know more?
Contact D&M Fire and Safety for more information and available class dates.

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